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Your right to complain

Every year our service helps thousands of people


However, every so often someone comes away from a service feeling unhappy. Perhaps you had to wait for ages, perhaps you felt that you were not treated with respect or courtesy. Perhaps our advice didn’t help or was wrong. Unfortunately, these things happen. We know we're not perfect. But we aim to be.


That is why we have a complaints procedure. The majority of the time we will correct things; sometimes we can only explain ourselves and apologise. But we do want to learn from our mistakes. What you tell us helps to improve our service to you.


We will acknowledge your complaint with 8 days, we aim to resolve your complaint as quickly as humanly possible. However, we advise that your complaint will be processed within 8 weeks, from the date of your complaint. We will treat your complaint confidentially, seriously and quickly.


What can I do?

It is important to let us know that you are unhappy and to give us the chance to put things right.


Don’t be afraid to speak to us.


There are several ways to make a complaint. You can put the information in a letter and send it to us vis a postal service, you can email us using the form provided on our contact page, or you can email us directly or call us to discuss anything of concern. Complaints can be addressed to Shining Windows or the operations manager. You can call us on the phone or arrange an appointment so that everyone can investigate your complaint on-site.


If you prefer, you can ask us to refer your complaint to a bureau. You can complain via Citizens Advice by calling their complaints line. Or you can email your complaint to them directly. Citizens Advice will assess who is the best person to handle your complaint and ask them to deal with it on your behalf.


Your complaint will be investigated by a manager under the direction of the proprietor, or by the chair if you are complaining about an individual in particular. If it is upheld, you will get a full apology and, where appropriate, be given details of any action that the company is taking to put things right. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can ask for a further review. Shining Windows retains the right to close complaints fully investigated, after a second review a complaint can not be reviewed again.


Shining Windows will aim to resolve your complaint within eight weeks. However, if the issue is complicated, any delay will be explained and you will be kept informed of progress.

Review of your complaint

If you are still not happy after our response, you can request a further review.


The review will be conducted under the direction of an executive.


If you are still not happy, you can ask for your complaint to be looked at by an Independent Adjudicator upon your own instruction, we will not refer you to an independent service, you will need to source these services independently.


Thank you for taking the time to contact us, we will reference the information raised during any complaint to improve our services, relationships and customer service.


This a free and impartial process, set up to help resolve service disputes for clients. When we receive complaints, we will look at the facts in each case and consider the comments from both you and the service provider.


You can also use this service to learn more about making a complaint to us; our rules of engagement; how we resolve complaints; and how to complain about your service.


We use the benefit of our experience to help a broad range of problematic scenarios to improve our complaint-handling processes and to avoid complaints arising in the first place.


We are unable to: provide legal advice or represent you in legal proceedings against alternative service providers or check whether a service provider is regulated; or investigate complaints where you are complaining about someone else or a service provided by another company or individual.



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